Thursday, February 21, 2013

eyelid reconstruction lower eyelid

eyelid reconstruction lower eyelid 

  • eyelids have been identified:

  1. single eyelid: no lid crease with puffiness
  1. low eyelid crease: low-seated, nasally tapered, inside-fold type of crease
  1. double eyelid: lid crease parallel to  the lid margin Jeong et al found that there are three reasons for the absent or lower crease in the Asian upper eyelid:
  • The orbital septum fuses to the levator  aponeurosis at variable distances below the superior tarsal border.
  • Preaponeurotic fat pad protrusion and a thick subcutaneous fat layer prevent levator fibers from extending toward the skin near the superior tarsal border.
  • The primary insertion of the levator aponeurosis into the orbicularis muscle and into the upper eyelid skin occurs closer to the eyelid margin in Asians.

The lower eyelid crease is formed by the fascial extensions of the capsulopalpebral fascia, which also pass through the orbicularis oculi muscle and insert onto the skin.Lim et al. reported that in Asians, these fascial extensions do not extend to the skin; therefore, a palpebral crease is not found. Kakizaki et al.
stated that the reason for the indistinct lower lid crease in Asians is the higher or indistinct septum fusion, the anterior and superior orbital fat projection, and the overriding of the preseptal orbicularis muscle.

  • Eyelid Margin and Lacrimal Pump

The eyelid margin has several significant structures. Both the upper and lower eyelid margins have a punctum medially. The punctum opens into the canaliculus of the lacrimal system. Tears drain via the canaliculi and into the nasolacrimal sac and then to the lacrimal duct by both an active and a passive mechanism. The lacrimal pump actively sucks tears into the lacrimal sac with each blink. The contraction of the orbicularis muscle brings the lower punctum medially, closes the ampulla, and displaces the lateral wall of the lacrimal sac laterally, creating a negative pressure in the sac.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Eyelid Disorders

Eyelid Disorders - lower eylid

lower eylid : An eyelid disorder is any abnormal condition that affects the eyelids.
Eyelids consist of thin folds of skin, muscle, and connective tissue. The eyelids
protect the eyes and spread tears over the front of the eyes. The inside of the eyelids
are lined with the conjunctiva of the eyelid (the palpebral conjunctiva), and the
outside of the lids are covered with the body's thinnest skin. Some common lid
problems include the following: stye, blepharitis, chalazion, entropion, ectropion,
eyelid edema, and eyelid tumors. 

  1. Stye -- lower eyelid --

Stye lower eylid

A stye is an infection of one of the three types of eyelid glands near the lid margins, at the base of the lashes. 

Causes and symptoms

Styes are usually caused by bacterial staphylococcal infections. The symptoms are pain and inflammation in one or more localized regions near the eyelid margin.


Styes are treated with warm-hot compresses for 10-15 minutes, three to four times a day. Sometimes topical antibiotics may be prescribed. If the initial treatment is ineffective, styes are lanced and drained. 

  1.  Chalazion - lower eyelid -

Chalazion lower eylid causes and symtoms
A chalazion is an enlargement of a meibomian gland (an oil-producing gland in the eyelid), usually not associated
with an infectious agent. More likely, the gland opening is
clogged. Initially, a chalazion may resemble a stye, but it
usually grows larger. A chalazion may also be located in
the middle of the lid and be internal.  

Causes and symptoms

A chalazion is caused by a blockage in the outflow duct of a meibomian gland.
Symptoms are inflammation and swelling in the form of a round lump in the lid that may be painful.

Treatment - 

About 25% of chalazia will disappear spontaneously, but hot compresses may speed
the process. Because chalazia are inside the lid, topical medications are generally of
no benefit. Medication may need to be injected by the doctor into the chalazion or if
that doesn't help the chalazion may need to be excised. If what appears to be a
chalazion recurs on the same site as any previous one, the possibility of sebaceous
gland carcinoma should be investigated by biopsy.

  1. Blepharitis -- Lower Eyelid --

pictures Blepharitis lower eylid treatment

Blepharitis is the inflammation of the eyelid margins, often with scales and crust. It can lead to eyelash loss, chalazia, styes, ectropion, corneal damage, excessive tearing, and chronic conjunctivitis. 

Causes and symptoms

Some cases of blepharitis are caused by bacterial infection and some by head lice, but in some cases, the cause is unclear. It may also be caused by an overproduction of oil by the meibomian glands. Blepharitis can be a chronic condition that begins in early childhood and can last throughout life. Symptoms can include itching, burning, a feeling that something is in the eye, inflammation, and  scales or matted, hard crusts surrounding the eyelashes. 


Blepharitis is treated with hot compresses, with antibiotic
ointment, and by cleaning the eyelids with a moist washcloth  and then with baby shampoo or boiled water and baking soda  mix.
Good hygiene is essential. If the blepharitis doesn't clear  up with treatment or if it seems to be a chronic problem, the  patient may have acne rosacea. These patients may need to  see a dermatologist as well.

lower eylid

lower eylid  - lower eylid

lower eylid

lower eylid 

 eyelid is a thin fold of skin that covers and protects the eye. With the exception of the prepuce and the labia minora, it has the thinnest skin of the whole body. The levator palpebrae superioris muscle retracts the eyelid to "open" the eye. This can be either voluntarily or involuntarily. The human eyelid features a row of eyelashes which serve to heighten the protection of the eye from dust and foreign debris, as well as from perspiration. "Palpebral" (and "blepharo") means relating to the eyelids. Its key function is to regularly spread the tears and other secretions on the eye surface to keep it moist, since the cornea must be continuously moist. They keep the eyes from drying out when asleep. Moreover, the blink reflex protects the eye from foreign bodies.